How do you finish your week? Do you store your gear as far away as possible and forget what just happened or do you search for an opportunity to pat yourself on the back?
It is satisfying after a long week to review what you have accomplished.
It is satisfying after a long week to review what you have accomplished.
While reviewing my week I've set the following rules:
- No interruption
- Thing went good some went bad, no fixing up opened to-dos during the review
- Keel it timeboxed
Too often I've failed to review my week because I thought all the rest was so much more important. Finish a protocol, writing an email, or simply prepare some slides for an upcoming meeting.
What is more important? Do the things right or do the right things? I realized that setting the priority and organizing my work is as important as doing the actual work.
The following structure is my guideline for an efficient weekly review:
Declutter and mind dump
Time: 10min
- Tidy your workspace, yes all: USB- cables, coffee cups and water bottles have to be stored away, maybe cleaned too :)
- File away your notes no loose ends on meeting notes, stickers or other reminder that are lying around.
- Get all your tasks out of your head and into your task tool or major list. I have a weekly list where I collect all my open tasks.
Reflect on the past week
Time: 10min
- Reflect using your list of completed tasks
- Recap meeting or other scheduled appointments in your calendar
- Reflect upon your notes
- What have you done for your goals?
Answer these simple questions:
- What went well?
- What went bad?
- Where can I improve?
Update goals and projects
Time 15min
It is important not to lose the focus of your plan and vision. Make sure you are reserving some time and energy for what is important to you to achieve your goals.
These question may help to trigger the necessary activities for the following week
- What progress have I made on each of my top priorities?
- What goals or plans do I need to update?
- What needs to happen next?
- Can I set a milestone to ensure progress for a given goal?
Plan the next week ahead
Time 15min
Writing daily to-dos can help you prioritize your tasks. Assign priority task to every weekday as following:
- Monday
- Important Task 1
- Important Task 2
- Important Task 3
- Tuesday
- ...
- ...
Do some dreaming
Time: 10min
Now it's time to dream and to think bigger. Usually writing to-do's that are not necessary, just to keep them in a list, is not useful.
These someday maybe projects can be an insightful source when setting new goals for the future.
Answer the following questions:
- What things are you excited about?
- What new things do you want to learn or achieve?
- What would improve your life or make it easier or eventually more efficient?
I hope this helps you to make your weekly review a bit easier.
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